Enterprise Week 2012-13 
The week beginning 29th October 2012 was ‘Enterprise Week’ at Four Oaks Primary School. For weeks plans were hatched by every single pupil at the school to design and make items that they could sell to their parents. It was in the final week that those plans were really been put into action with children coming up with their own designs, discussing how to change those designs into 3 dimensional objects, and then planning the maths of how to price their items and sell them to their eager mums and dads.
Each year group made a different product and the seven different items created and sold were: Christmas Cakes; Christmas Cards; Christmas Decorations; Decorated Chocolate Apples; Pom Pom Spiders; Christmas Decorations, and Pizzas.
By 2pm on the Friday afternoon the school grounds were busy with crowds of parents who circulated around the various stalls to sample the products and empty their pockets of their hard-earned cash.
Head Teacher Heather Sutton said, “ All the children and staff have had a fantastic week. They have worked in teams and as a whole school demonstrating creativity, co-operation and tons of enterprise. The success of the venture was proved by a complete sell out ! “
Who knows, maybe amongst the excited children in the video below are the ‘apprentices’ of the future !