FOPS TV 2013 - 2014
FOPS TV - a place to view all of the videos produced by Four Oaks Primary School ! |
Scroll down to see all of our videos -
we will add to this page throughout the year!
Y5 at Boreatton Park Sep 2013
Halfway through September our Year 5 pupils set off for an adventure at a PGL centre at Boreatton Park in Shropshire.
Have a look at the video to see some of our pupils riding the giant swing!
Eco Enterprise Week October 2013
The week beginning 4th November 2013 was ‘Eco-Enterprise Week’ at Four Oaks Primary School.
Who knows, maybe amongst the excited children in the video to the left are the ‘apprentices’ of the future!
3A's Dance
Watch 3A's dance performance in December 2013
Lichfield Cathedral Video 1
3F Dance
Watch 3F's dance performance in December 2013
Lichfield Cathedral Video 2
This year at the Four Oaks Cluster Carol Concert held at Lichfield Cathedral pupils from Four Oaks Primary were given a great honour by being asked to deliver an important reading and to lead the congregation in the first hymn by singing a solo. Both requests were hugely daunting for the two Year 6 girls selected but they performed superbly and we are extremely proud of them. Why not click on the videos below to see how our two Year 6 superstars did!
Shark Poem Year 4
One of our very talented Year 4 pupils has been very busy over the half-term holiday writing down all his creative ideas about sharks! He then put all of his ideas together to write a super shark poem and added some great shark pictures and sound effects to create the video you can see here.
Eva's Animation
Watch a stop motion animation created by Eva in Year 2 - isn't it brilliant?
Nathan's Doctor Who Animation
Watch a Doctor Who inspired stop motion animation done by Nathan in Year 2 - fantastic work Nathan!
Four Oaks Chick Watch 2014 Video Diary
See what happened when reception classes took charge of an incubator and a whole batch of eggs back in March & April 2014!
Tree Trimming!
See a time lapse video of the trees being trimmed in the Reception pupils playing area in June 2014!