Four Oaks 
Primary School PTFA
"Having Fun Raising Money for School Needs"
What is a PTFA ?
We are an association of parents and teachers that arrange and support many events that happen around the school. All of these occasions are fundraisers with the money raised enabling the school to offer further support to our children.
Who Gets Involved and How ?
There is a committee of about 12 parents and teachers meeting approximately 5 times a year, elected at the AGM in October. We agree where funds should be spent, look at alternative money raising ideas and offer key support at these events. However, we also operate a 'Ginger List', which is a note of any parents' contacts details on the understanding that they can be contacted to help at events. We realise that not everyone can help at each event, but having a pool of people to draw upon helps to spread the burden.
What Events Does the PTFA Run ?
Each year we run Christmas and Summer Fayres and these are our key money raisers. In addition, we run a school disco for all children every half term, offer refreshments at school sports day / concerts etc and run comedy nights - you name it, we will look into doing it !
How Can I Get involved ?
There are three ways of getting involved - the first is to put your name down on the Ginger List and offer support at any of our events. The second is to get involved with the committee itself. The third is to read the fortnightly newsletter from school where we print memos about our agendas and minutes, and coming along to events, supporting your school by buying tickets, raffle prizes etc.
What Does the Money Raised Go On ?