Music at Four Oaks Primary School
Music lessons at Four Oaks Primary are based on the principle that they should be fun and engaging for all concerned. The children in all year groups have been working so hard on their listening and appraising skills, singing, playing various instruments and composing their own music. Each half term the children are taught a new song. Through this song they learn about instruments, styles and genres of music, how to play their instruments and how to compose music.
Therefore, we thought you would enjoy hearing some of the music that the children have been creating.
Please click on the links below to listen to the different classes at different points throughout the school year. These will be updated frequently, so please keep checking back for new material.
Class Songs
4B: Stop!
4W: Stop!
6B: Don't Stop Believing
6S: Don't Stop Believing
Owls: I Am In The Groove (Bhangra)
Hedgehogs: I Am In The Groove (Folk)
Choir Songs
Choir: Count On Me
KS2 Songs
Give Me a 1