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Four Oaks Primary School

Four Oaks Primary School, Edge Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 4PA

0121 675 4040

Below you will find a list of the members of our school Governing Body.



Type of Governor

  Connection to Staff

Date of Appointment Term of Office End Date (4 yrs)

Mrs D. Jones


Co-opted Governor      

Ex-member of staff



Mr T. Briggs (Vice Chair)

Co-opted Governor




Mr M. Benton

Head Teacher

(Related to School Catering Manager)

Yes - Head Teacher & brother of Catering Manager


 Miss L. Appleby

Deputy Head Teacher Co-opted Governor

Yes - Deputy Head  



Miss S. Glynn

Staff Representative

Yes - Staff Rep



Mrs H. Sutton

Foundation Governor

Ex-member of staff


Mrs S. Cardwell

Parent Representative



Mr. R. Bhandal

Parent Representative



Mrs H. Birha

Parent Representative



Mr S. Matharu

Co-opted Governor



Mrs N. Jhita

Local Authority Governor


Mr.C. Osborn
Clerk to Governors



Welcome to the section of our website where you can find out more about the Governors and the work that they do.

Governors have an important role as a 'Critical Friend' to the school, working in partnership with the school community to help provide the best possible education for our pupils. This is achieved by:

- Setting the school's values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources.

- Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher to support and challenge the Headteacher in managing the school.

- Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.

Categories of Governor

Local Authority (LA) Governor - nominated by Birmingham City Council.

Co-opted Governor - a person appointed by the Governing Body who has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.

Parent Governors - are elected by and from the parents

Staff Governor - elected by and from the staff


The responsibilities of the Governing body are shared between three main committees, each with a specific responsibility; the Finance Committee oversees the budget, staffing, strategy and resources, our Quality of Education Committee is responsible for all matters surrounding teaching and learning in school, and the Safeguarding Committee overseas all aspects of safeguarding in school. In addition to this, there are further committees which meet as and when the need arises, such as the Pay Committee, and the Discipline and Complaints Committee. All committees report back to the main Governing Body.

Finance Committee & Pay and Personnel

Mrs H Sutton (Chair)

Mr M Benton (Head Teacher)

Miss L Appleby (Deputy Head Teacher)

Mrs H Birha

Mr R Bhandal

Mrs N. Jhita

Mrs N Humphries (Schools Financial Services)


Quality of Education Committee

Mrs. D. Jones (Chair)   

All governors


Safeguarding Committee

Mrs S Cardwell (Chair)

Mr M Benton (Head Teacher)

Miss L Appleby (Deputy Head Teacher)

Mr T Briggs

Mrs D Jones

Mr S Matharu

Mr. D. Meyer (Site Manager)



Link Governors

Safeguarding - Mrs S Cardwell

GDPR - Mr M Benton

Mathematics - Mr R Bhandal

English - Vacant

Science - Mrs D Jones

EYFS - Mrs. H Sutton

SEND - Mrs D Jones

Training - Mrs H Birha

Collective Worship - Mr T Briggs

Well-being - Mrs H Birha


 Link Governors are those who have been assigned to a specific focus of school life. There are Link Governors assigned to many areas of the curriculum. The role of the Linked Governor is:

  • to take an interest in and gain more detailed knowledge of their area
  • to know what is contained in the School Improvement Plan (SIP for their area)
  • to be involved in the review of the SIP for their area and to be part of the planning process
  • to help the governing body in its critical friend role by asking questions about progress and challenging appropriately about attainment in their area
  • to report back at agreed intervals either to the appropriate committee or the full governing body
  • to work in full partnership with the Headteacher

Past Governors

Name Type of Governor Resigned
Mrs Sue Burke Foundation Governor 19.11.2020
Mrs Susan Hill Co-opted Governor 11.05.2021
Mrs Vivienne McDonald Foundation Governor 20.07.2020
Mrs Judith Powell Co-opted Governor 23.11.2020
Mrs Natalie Sturmey Elected Parent 04.10.2022
Mr Paul Farrer Associate Member 24.01.2022
Mr Trevor Johnson Co-opted Governor 21.11.2022
Mrs Natalie Sturmey Parent Governor 04.10.2022
Mrs. Joy Batsford Local Authority Governor 12.05.2023
Mrs. Jennie Atherton Co-opted Governor 17.12.2021
Mrs. Nina Pole Co-opted Governor 22.11.2024
Mrs. Jane Van Arkadie Foundation Governor 22.11.2024