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Four Oaks Primary School

Four Oaks Primary School, Edge Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 4PA

0121 675 4040

  1. News
  2. Electronic Parents’ Evening Sign-up

Electronic Parents’ Evening Sign-up

31 January 2025 (by admin)

As you may have seen in our latest newsletter, we are launching MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) this week. This system allows parents to log in initially to see information about their children and check their details are correct.

This term we will be trialling the Parents Evening booking system on MCAS, so it is important that parents get set up with it. If you have not yet checked your email account (including your Junk Folder) then please do so and set up an account! The email that parents should look for will have come from ‘’.

We still have many parents who have not opened this email and have therefore not activated their account. If you have already set up your account, you have nothing to do at this point.

At the start of next week, once all parents have had good notice about this change and have had the chance to get set up, we will write to parents to notify them when the online Parents’ Evening booking system goes live. It will then be up to parents to book times to see teachers, and you will have the power to book time slots for siblings as close as possible.

If you have any problems signing up then please email school at: 

To have a look at the instructions for MCAS, please click on the document below.