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Four Oaks Primary School

Four Oaks Primary School, Edge Hill Road, Sutton Coldfield, B74 4PA

0121 675 4040

  1. News
  2. Rebuild Drop-off and Pick-up Arrangements

Rebuild Drop-off and Pick-up Arrangements

23 February 2025 (by admin)

We need all parents to read this important message!

As you are all aware our rebuild has started.  This means that we have now lost access to the Junior field side of our school site.  Over the February half-term Tilbury Douglas have erected a secure fence around the edge of the Junior playground, following the path around the Junior classrooms to segregate the field from the school.  This will ensure all children are safe and kept away from any building works.

These changes mean that there will be some changes to the collection of our Junior children.

Please follow the link and click on the attached document to read all details of our new temporary pick-up protocols.

Thank you to all parents for their support in keeping our pupils safe.